The Trinita Electronic Scientific Journal consists of several scientific journals covering scientific fields, such as: computer systems, management, law, primary school teacher education, midwifery, hospital administration, nutrition.

For article writers, please follow the article manuscript guidelines


  • Trikom: Trinita Computer Systems Journal

    Trinita Computer Systems Journal with the initials Trikom is a scientific journal published by Trinita University, abbreviated as TCSJ. Article manuscripts are published 4 times a year (March, June, September and December). The journal is presented in two languages, namely English and Indonesian.

    Trikom is a forum for information in the form of research results, literature studies and application of theory in research in the fields of Computer Systems, Computer Science and Computer Electronics, Information Systems, including: Embedded Systems; Robotics; Artificial intelligence; Machine Learning; Software engineering; computer network; Cloud Computing; and the Internet of Everything;

    Every manuscript submitted will be reviewed by reviewers. The review process uses a double blind review where the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewer.

  • Trimal: Trinita Management Scientific Journal

    Trinita Management Scientific Journal with the initials Trimal is a scientific journal published by Trinita University, abbreviated as TMSJ. Article manuscripts are published 4 times a year (March, June, September and December). The journal is presented in two languages, namely English and Indonesian.

    Trimal is a forum for information in the form of finance, marketing, human resources, operations, entrepreneurship.

    Every manuscript submitted will be reviewed by reviewers. The review process uses a double blind review where the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewer.

  • Trilaw: Trinita Law Journal

    The Trinita Law Journal with the initials Trilaw is a scientific journal published by Trinita University, abbreviated as TLJ. Publication articles are published 4 times a year (March, June, September and December). The journal is presented in two languages, namely English and Indonesian.

    Trilaw focuses on legal fields, such as Land Law, Industrial Law, Customary Law, Legal Philosophy, Basic Law, Criminal Law, Business Law, Legal Theory, Comparative Law, Company Law, Financial Law, Cybercrime, Intellectual Property Law, Commercial Law, Environmental Law, Consumer Protection, Human Rights, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Air and Space Law.

    Every manuscript submitted will be reviewed by reviewers. The review process uses a double blind review where the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewer.

  • Jurnal PGSD Trinita

    PGSD Journal: Scientific Journal of Elementary School Teacher Education published by the Faculty of Science, Technology and Teacher Training, Trinita University. This journal publishes research article manuscripts that discuss learning in PGSD (Learning in Higher Education in the Field of Basic Education) or in Elementary Schools which discuss curriculum and technology, learning approaches, school-based management, educational policies that have never been published. This journal collaborates with the Indonesian PGSD Lecturer Association.

  • Bidtri: Trinita Midwifery Journal

    The Trinita Midwifery Journal with the initials Bidtri is a scientific journal published by Trinita University, abbreviated as TMJ. Article manuscripts are published 4 times a year, in March, June, September and December. The journal is presented in two languages, namely English and Indonesian.

    Bidtri is a forum for information in the form of research results, literature studies and application of theory in the field of nutrition.

    Bidtri focuses on various things including: Pregnancy, Maternity, Childbirth, Neonates, Infants, Toddlers and Preschool Children, Family Planning, Reproductive Health, Adolescent Health, Elderly Health, Maternal Health, and Child Health.

    Every manuscript submitted will be reviewed by reviewers. The review process uses a double blind review where the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewer.

  • Giztri: Trinita Nutrition Journal

    Trinita Nutrition Journal with the initials Giztri is a scientific journal published by Trinita University, which is abbreviated as JGT. Articles are published 4 times a year, in March, June, September and December. The journal is presented in two languages, namely English and Indonesian.

    Giztri is a forum for information in the form of research results, literature studies and application of theory in the field of nutrition.

    Giztri focuses on various aspects of nutrition and dietetics, including aspects of biochemical nutrition, clinical nutrition, community nutrition, sports nutrition, dietetics, food components related to health, nutritional supplementation and fortification, food security and nutrition, nutritional education and counseling, as well as social aspect. -economics and nutritional culture, as well as other nutritional aspects. as an aspect of regulation and information on nutrition and eating patterns

    Every manuscript submitted will be reviewed by reviewers. The review process uses a double blind review where the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewer.