Journal of the Faculty of Science, Technology and Teacher Training - Trinita University is a Scientific Journal with a focus area of ​​Computers, Management, Law, Primary School Teacher Education


  • Jurnal Sistem Komputer Trinita

    Trinita Computer Systems Journal (JSKT) is published by the Faculty of Science, Technology and Teacher Training (Fiptek) - Trinita University. Published twice a year in June and December. Indexed by Google Scholar, Researchgate, Academia. JSKT will start publishing in 2023, and will start effectively publishing scientific research papers. All manuscripts published in this journal are presented in two languages, namely English and Indonesian.

    The Trinita Computer Systems Journal (JSKT) is intended as a communication medium between academics, practitioners, and students/society that is open to writing in the legal field in the form of research articles and conceptual studies.

    JSKT is a forum for information in the form of research results, literature studies and application of theory in the research fields of Computer Systems, Computer Science and Computer Electronics, Information Systems.
    Focus and scope, namely: Embedded systems; Robotics; Artificial intelligence; Machine Learning; Software engineering; Computer network; Cloud Computing; and Internet Of Things;
    Every manuscript submitted will be reviewed by reviewers. The review process uses a double blind review where the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewer.

  • Jurnal Manajemen Trinita

    The Trinita Law Journal is published by the Faculty of Science, Technology and Teacher Training (Fiptek) - Trinita University. Published twice a year in June and December. Indexed by Google Scholar, Researchgate, Academia. JMT will begin publishing in 2023, and will begin to effectively publish scientific research papers. All manuscripts published in this journal are presented in English.

    The Trinita Law Journal is intended as a communication medium between academics, practitioners, and students/community who are open to writings in the legal field in the form of research articles and conceptual studies.

  • Jurnal Hukum Trinita

    The Trinita Law Journal is published by the Faculty of Science, Technology and Teacher Training (Fiptek) - Trinita University. Published twice a year in June and December. Indexed by Google Scholar, Researchgate, Academia. JHT will begin publishing in 2023, and will begin to effectively publish scientific research papers. All manuscripts published in this journal are presented in English.

    The Trinita Law Journal is intended as a communication medium between academics, practitioners, and students/community who are open to writings in the legal field in the form of research articles and conceptual studies.

  • Jurnal PGSD Trinita

    PGSD Journal: Scientific Journal of Elementary School Teacher Education published by the Faculty of Science, Technology and Teacher Training, Trinita University. This journal publishes research article manuscripts that discuss learning in PGSD (Learning in Higher Education in the Field of Basic Education) or in Elementary Schools which discuss curriculum and technology, learning approaches, school-based management, educational policies that have never been published. This journal collaborates with the Indonesian PGSD Lecturer Association.